
Gratitude is so much more than just saying thank you.

When we truly understand the command to “be thankful in all things, for this is the will of God concerning you, in Christ Jesus” (1 Thessalonians 5:18), we will never look at gratitude the same way.

You see, the enemy of our souls wants to steal our thanksgiving. He wants to turn our words into worship for himself (John 10).

But our commitment to worship the Lord, to be thankful, and grateful to Him in EVERY circumstance, takes those words and turns them into a holy weapon.

You can learn more about this on my website: https://donnawoolam.com/this-1-little-known-habit-helps-you-cultivate-a-grateful-heart/

Want more? Register for the Workshop Replay at https://donnawoolam.com/cultivate-gratitude

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About the Author

Donna Woolam believes you are ENOUGH! Titles, social standing, income - none of it defines your value. From the beginning of eternity to the end - you are loved. You are worthy. You are Breathtaking!

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