I Help Christian Women Share Their God-Message with the World

Let's turn your unique God-Story into a God-Message that brings transformation to you and the people you serve.

Donna Woolam

When you change your mind, you can change your life.

ReClaim Your Hope

It's time to remember what it's
like to know "there is a fulfillment of
those things which you have believed." 

ReIgnite Your Dreams

It's time to resurrect the dreams
and visions you once carried!

ReInvent Your World

Your journey has a power to transform
the lives of others. Hungry hearts
are waiting for YOU!

I want you to know you're in the right place. So if you can say "yes" to 3 of the following 4 statements, you're in the right place.

  1. 1
    You've experienced some deep things in your life. And the journey you've taken has taught you a lot about how to trust God in the journey. You think others might get encouragement and help if they knew what you know.
  2. 2
    You KNOW you have a God-call on your life. But you don't know where to start. And you're a bit scared.
  3. 3
    You've tried to put your God-Story together before. You've even joined other programs, but they just didn't feel like YOU.
  4. 4
    You'd love to put your God-Story into a book, a course or program, or even share it from platforms, large and small. Because you know it could change people's lives.

Did you nod your head yes to 3 or more? Then let's keep going, okay?

It Doesn't Have to Be So Hard or Scarey

Turn your God-Story into a God-Message with the
power to bring hope, freedom, and victory to others.


A step-by-step Biblical and scientific method that actually works! Complete with workbooks, checklists, and more to keep you on track!


A special blend of 1:1 attention, small group coaching, and a community of Christian sisters ready to welcome you.


An experience including the world class service and support you deserve, along with the accountability you need.

And you don't have to do it alone...

Christian women, just like you, are getting the help they need to unlock what I call their HeartCode.
Your experiences. Your education.
Your skills. Your spiritual gifts.
It's the unique story only YOU can tell.
In a way that changes lives.

Deep, Purposeful, Habit-Forming

I waited nearly a half year to write a testimonial because I wanted to ensure that what I learned with Donna was real in the truest sense: deep, purposeful, and habit-forming. I can attest with much happiness that it WAS. My previous weaknesses are no longer my weaknesses. I have been able to change my narrative, and in doing so, I changed my habits and lifestyle. I fulfilled goals that I had postponed for half a decade - professional designations, a published book, and a new job (all of which occurred during the time after I worked with Donna). My mental state is no longer filled with anxiety and depression, but with a longing for spiritual and mental growth. My marriage is stronger now than when I began with Donna, and it has been stress-tested constantly in this last half year. I want to reiterate that the tangible successes I have made were after my time with Donna, and not during those times, because so often life coaches want to equip you 'just enough' that you feel improvements, but you're not 'quite there' and still need them. Donna equips you so you can continue your growth and success even when your time together comes to an end. This indicates she is there for YOU, not for the money, and that cannot be commended enough. In simple terms - my 2023 wouldn't be starting off in an amazing place if it wasn't for the 2022 transformation I made under Donna's tutelage. Thank you so much Donna!

Ashley M Riley


Big Ideas

Having Donna as a life coach has changed my life by challenging me to utilize untapped skills through thinking outside my own area of expertise. Donna's coaching specifically provided me with structure to big ideas I had, deep questions that confronted areas of fear, and increased faith that has given me hope and direction for deep desires and vision within my heart. All of this has been done with an unbiased and competent approach. Donna truly cares about pulling out purpose in women. Thanks, Donna!

Lacey Ondracek


Returning to Joyful Leadership

As a leader who is always looking at the next thing on the never-ending list of to-dos, Donna has helped me not just appreciate but celebrate all I'm accomplishing, while simultaneously working on new goals and dreams. It has changed my ability to truly enjoy the present. And in turn has brought joy back to leadership.

Sharea Johansen

Worship Pastor

Clarity, Direction and Hope

Working with Donna gave me clarity, direction, and hope. Her ability to ask questions and dig deeper into my issues allowed me to see things in a new perspective. It gave me the confidence and courage to move forward toward some of my goals. Without her gentle spirit guiding me, I'm not sure I would have been able to start reaching for them at all.

I would highly recommend Donna to anyone who is looking for a guide for their journey! 


Liana George


Permission to Pursue

You gave me insight into what my strongest desires are, and that I am not allowing myself permission to pursue them. I really felt you cared and respected me. As you summarized what you heard me say, it felt as though God were speaking directly to my heart.

Tawnya Kordenbrock

Clinical Therapist

Confidence to Dream

When I think of what I learned from Donna, my immediate answer is confidence. But that word isn't deep enough to express all I learned.

Donna taught me to dream; to open myself up to the possibilities within me. I had grown stale in my life. Donna gave me energy. She showed me a path with many turns-that I wasn't just in the rut-I could travel on the road and see things.

It would be easy to only discuss the business lessons that Donna taught me, but that wasn't anywhere near as important or valuable as the life lessons that she taught me.

Gigi Warrick

Direct Sales and Ministry

How to get started today

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Unlock the secrets to turning your God-Story into a God-Message.

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How it all started...
When you reach the end, sometimes it's just the beginning.

Maybe this is like your origin story...

Even as a little girl playing make-believe with my sister, I stood on my porch and preached. I was a wide-eyed girl who knew there was more to the world than her tiny bedroom in Amarillo, Texas.

Though financially successful and respected as a leader, speaker, and trainer, I STILL had bigger dreams. (How about you? Do you still have bigger dreams to dream? I bet you do! Have circumstances or self-talk kept you from pursuing the opportunities?)

When doctors diagnosed my husband of 40+ years, Richard, with 2 low-success rate cancers, my dreams tumbled like shards of glass around my feet. And even though I've always been able to power through and take charge, I'll admit, the woman I had always been went into hiding; living on the sidelines, looking in. Over the next years, we experienced a lot of struggles. And I'm heartsick to say, in 2020, my guy left me to fly home to the arms of Christ.

I stood at the edge of life and knew it was time for ReInvention.

There's a good chance if you're this far into my story (correction... OUR story) that, like me, you have faced significant challenges.

And you are looking for new ways to move from the sidelines and get back to the life you know you are meant to live.

To be the woman God created you to be. 

To share the message He has given you to share.

The Lord wants more for you and so do I.

It's why I coach women. It's why I believe in you. And why I'm so glad we're connecting.

It's why I've created this HeartCode Masterclass, the website, the podcast, the social media channels, all of it...to get the message to YOU and women like you... You are not alone. It isn't too late. You are right on time.

I am a Dream Advocate because the Lord helped me find my way out of the darkness of a life gone crazy. Along the way, I discovered all those trials and setbacks gave me resilience, courage, and wisdom. Along the way, I discovered tools that helped me get focused and start again. I reemerged, stronger, more passionate, and more confident than ever before. I learned how to take all of that stuff the world would call a MESS, and turn it into a MESSAGE of hope and transformation!

And that's what I want for you, too! I would love to work with you to help you recover and dust off some of those dreams you've had. To help you find your way out of the shadows, the excuses and delayed dreams. And to uncover, unlock, and unleash the dreams, goals, and visions hidden in your head and heart for way too long!

Are you ready to break out of fear, procrastination, and self-doubt?
Are you ready to turn your God-Story
into a God-Message?

You can start RIGHT NOW!
