

I've been a student of personal development before I knew that's what it was called.

I don't know if that's because God made me curious, or if it's because I always felt a little less than and looking for something to make me more

And in the beginning, it was a world full of philosophy and psychology, but zero scripture-based wisdom. Now, I'm not saying there isn't value in those, but I've discovered that true transformation - REAL personal development is founded in Biblical truth.

And I think I learned that from Jim Rohn - likely one of the early founders of the personal development movement. He used biblical principles to teach. And that helped me have the right perspective about the business I was in.

Spiritual-Life vs Life-Life

You see, I was a woman who went to church and read the Bible. But I kept my spiritual-life and my life-life separate. I didn't know how to blend the power of spiritual truth into the "dirty" world of business. I'm so thankful for the revelation that changed my thinking. Because everything changed for me then.

What follows is a principle the Lord has just shared with me about the Journey to Wholeness. And it will be the foundation of what you read in the days, weeks, and months ahead. Because I'm not here for change; I'm here for transformation.


We are - you and me - where we are today because of the reasonings we have made. We've developed rules and regulations around our lives because of this reasoning.

Every decision we make is based on the foundation of reasoning. And unless someone or something introduces a catalyst to shift our thoughts, we will stay inside this box of reasoning.

We are in exactly the right place for the decisions we've made. Now, we may not like that place, but well, here we are!

Personal Development, Journey to Wholeness Frame, Reasoning


That catalyst is revelation. Not new information for the sake of information, but knowledge that creates a crisis of interpretation. Once we receive revelation, we have to make a decision. New information triggers personal development.

And though I'll take more about the difference in change and transformation in a minute, I'll add this here... new information can create change. Revelation WILL create transformation.

Personal Development, Journey to Wholeness Revelation


The new information demands a response. Consequently, we either accept the information or reject it totally.

Personal Development, Journey to Wholeness Frame, Response


New information creates new results. And then we start the process over again.

Personal Development, Journey to Wholeness Frame, Results

Unfortunately, if you don't agree with the information, you can get stuck in the what I call the Reasoning Loop. And you continue to experience the same results you've always experienced.

Obviously, that's not to say that all new information is good information. Sometimes it's GOOD to kick it to the curb. However, we we need to be careful we don't end up with a mindset that says, "that's the way it is, and that's the way it will always be."

Personal Development, Journey to Wholeness, Reasoning Loop


There is a very distinct difference between change and transformation. At least in my opinion.

Change is good. Ask any baby with a wet or stinky diaper.

We like for the weather to change. It's good for the earth. Gets rid of bugs and weeds.

I like to change my hair color. I might be blonde - I might be white. Who knows. (Check my Facebook timeline for a visual! lol)

But once a baby grows past the diaper stage, unless there is physical or emotional trauma, that baby will no longer wear diapers. The baby transforms into a toddler, to a teen to an adult who uses a bathroom.

A caterpillar crawls around until the signal is triggered (revelation) that the caterpillar stage is over. It climbs into the cocoon and transforms into a butterfly. It can never go back to a caterpillar!

God's word doesn't let us waffle between ideas. Jesus calls us to make a decision. Some say He says, "come and die" so that you can live. 

A Double-Minded Woman Stumbles in Personal Development

Struggle in personal development for a Christian comes when we try to keep one foot in dead man's land and one foot in the King's Domain. 

James 1:5-8 (New Living Translation) says:

If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and He will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking. But when you ask him, be sure that your faith is in God alone. Do not waver, for a person with divided loyalty is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is blown and tossed by the wind. Such people should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Their loyalty is divided between God and the world, and they are unstable in everything they do.

If we want a different life, we must have a different reasoning. We have to get out of the box of thinking like a natural human being, and begin to think like the supernatural creation we've been made to be. 

So, what do you think? Are you with me? Are you ready for this Journey to Wholeness?

I'm creating a community of women who are ready for transformation. If you'd like to get on the list for more information, fill out the form below. I'll add you to a special email list to get the updates about the community. 

About the Author

Donna Woolam believes you are ENOUGH! Titles, social standing, income - none of it defines your value. From the beginning of eternity to the end - you are loved. You are worthy. You are Breathtaking!

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